Sung by Brigitte Bardot:
Here is Brigitte performing the song on her show (embedding disabled): Link
Translation after the jump...
Je n'ai besoin de personne
I don't need anyone
En Harley Davidson
On a Harley Davidson
Je n'reconnais plus personne
I no longer recognize anyone
En Harley Davidson
On a Harley Davidson
J'appuie sur le starter
I press the starter
Et voici que je quitte la terre
And here is where I leave the earth
J'irai p'être au Paradis*
Maybe I'll go to heaven
Mais dans un train d'enfer*
But at top speed on a train from hell
Je n'ai besoin de personne
I don't need anyone
En Harley Davidson
On a Harley Davidson
Je n'reconnais plus personne
I no longer recognize anyone
En Harley Davidson
On a Harley Davidson
Et si je meurs demain
And if I die tomorrow
C'est que tel était mon destin
It's that that was my destiny
Je tiens bien moins à la vie
I don't care about my life**
Qu'à mon terrible engin
as much as my awesome machine**
Je n'ai besoin de personne
I don't need anyone
En Harley Davidson
On a Harley Davidson
Je n'reconnais plus personne
I no longer recognize anyone
En Harley Davidson
On a Harley Davidson
Quand je sens en chemin
When I feel the road
Les trépidations de ma machine
The vibrations of my machine
Il me monte des désirs
It builds up desires in me
Dans le creux de mes reins*
In the small of my back
Je n'ai besoin de personne
I don't need anyone
En Harley Davidson
On a Harley Davidson
Je n'reconnais plus personne
I no longer recognize anyone
En Harley Davidson
On a Harley Davidson
Je vais à plus de cent
I go over a hundred
Et je me sens à feu et à sang
And I feel myself as fire and blood
Que m'importe de mourir
What do I care if I die
Les cheveux dans le vent
Hair in the wind
*Thanks to Débordante
**Thanks to Reg Accre
Lyrics by Serge Gainsbourg, Translation by Greg Smith
Coline BLF
14 hours ago
Another classic!
ReplyDeleteOnce again, the YouTube video with Bardot performing cannot be accessed from France due to copyright reasons. It is available on Dailymotion though:
* "J'irai p't'être au Paradis (= J'irai peut-être au Paradis) / Mais dans un train d'enfer" --> "Maybe I'll go to heaven..." and then there's a play on words with "mais dans un train d'enfer":
- the idiom "rouler à un train d'enfer" means "to drive dangerously fast, at top speed" - here the use of "dans" instead of "à" creates a double meaning which could be rendered as --> "Maybe I'll go to Heaven / But at top speed in a train from hell" ?
* The last sentence of the third verse is not "Dans le creux de mes riens" but "Dans le creux de mes reins" --> "rein" means "kidney" (first meaning) and by extension (as here) "the small of the back"
Well done, Greg!
I hope I'm not getting boring with my explanations. :-))
"I hope I'm not getting boring with my explanations. :-))"
ReplyDeleteNo way, it makes the songs more interesting to me. Thanks.
[Je tiens bien moins à la vie
ReplyDeleteI want life less
Qu'à mon terrible engin
Than my terrible engin]
I don't care about my life
As much as I care about my awesome machine.
Here "terrible" in French has seen its meaning altered in the same way that "awesome" has in English. From inspiring awe in a fearful way to ecstatic one.
For "Terrible" I think I would have used "wicked" instead. It gives it a better feel.