Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hip hip hip hurrah

Sung by Claude Francois

Translation after the jump...

Je pratique la politique de la femme brûlée
I practice the policy of the burned woman
Je brûle toutes celles que j'ai adorées
I burn all those that I have adored
Une seule est dans mon cœur
Only one is in my heart
Pourtant s'il lui arrivait malheur
Yet if anything ever happened to her
Je dirais
I would say
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah

Je m'suis dit que les romantiques ne savent que gémir*
I said to myself that the Romantics only know how to whine
Quand une fille les fait souffrir
When a girl makes them suffer
Elle m'a fait trop de peine
She gave me lots of pain
Mon amour n'est pas loin de la haine
My love isn't far from hate
Et je dis:
And I say:
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah

Je redis:
I repeat:
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah

Angelique et machiavélique ell était à la fois
Angelic and Machiavellian she was both
Un démon et un ange avec moi
A demon and an angel with me
Et si j'apprends demain
And if I learn tomorrow
Qu'elle regrette et qu'elle a du chagrin
That she regrets it and she's sorry
Je dirai:
I will say:
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Oui je derai:
Yes I'll say:
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Je redirai:
I'll repeat:
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Oui je redirai:
Yes, I'll repeat:
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah
Hip Hip Hip Hurrah

*Thanks to Débordante

Lyrics by Serge Gainsbourg, Translation by Greg Smith

1 comment:

  1. Only one sentence to fix on this one:

    Je m'suis dit que les romantiques ne savent que gémir -->
    I said to myself that the Romantic only know how to whine / can only whine
