Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Que est "In", Qui est "Out"

Translation after the jump...

Qui est "In", Qui est "Out" x2
What is "In", What is "Out"?

Jusqu'à neuf c'est O.K. tu es "In"
Up to a nine is O.K., you are "In"
Après quoi tu es K.O., tu es "Out"
After then you're K.O.'d, you are "Out"
C'est idem
It's ditto
Pour la boxe
For boxing
Le ciné la mode et le cash-box
The movies, fashion and the cash-box


Moitié bouillon ensuit' moitié g"in"
Half Boullion follows half gin
Gemini carbur' pas au maz"out"
Gemini fuel, not the oil
C'est extrêm-
It's extrem-
Ement pop
Ly pop
Si tu es à jeun tu tombes en syncop'
If you're fasting you fall into a swoon


Tu aimes la nitroglycêr"in"
You like nitroglycêrin
C'est au Bus Palladium qu'ça s'éc"out"
It's at the Bus Palladium that you can hear it
Rue Fontaine
Fontaine Street
Il y a foul'
There's a crowd
Pour les petits gars de Liverpool
For the lads from Liverpool


Barbarella garde tes bott"in"s
Barbarella gaurd your little boots*
Et viens me dire une fois pout t"out"s
And just tell me once and for all
Que tu m'aimes
That you love me
Ou sinon
Or else
Je te renvoie à ta science-fiction
I'll send you back to your science-fiction
*Thanks to Débordante

Lyrics by Serge Gainsbourg, Translation by Greg Smith

1 comment:

  1. Barbarella's "bott'in's" are not "bottins" (phonebooks) but "bottines" (small boots). To see them take a look at the "Barbarella" movie poster :) :
